about blcf
As a community-owned Community Forest, BLCF is focused on balancing social, environmental, and economic sustainability.
BLCF’s harvesting silviculture and forest management activities provide benefits for the Village of Burns Lake, First Nations partners, and for all residents of the Lakes Timber Supply Area in a sustainable manner.
The community forest extends west to Maxan Lake, north to the Augier Main Road, east to Priestly Hill, and south to the north shore of Francois Lake and is part of the Nadina Forest District.
The BLCF generously supports community initiatives and has contributed more then $2.5 million since its inception in 2000, as well as in-kind support to more than 90 organizations and projects within the community.
News & Announcements
Community Forestry Contractor’s Engagement Session
Invitation To: Community Forestry Contractor's Engagement Session Tuesday, September 17th, 20245:00PM - 8:00PM To be held in Burns Lake Community...
Forest Operating Map Public Notification
Forest Operating Map (FOM) Public Notification: One Cutting Permit Application This letter is written in response to legislative changes brought...
Recreational Community Partners
Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association

The BLCF operates using stringent forest management practices and was granted Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification in 2017 with Ecotrust Canada—a national non-profit organization.