Forest Operating Map (FOM) Public Notification: One Cutting Permit Application
This letter is written in response to legislative changes brought forward in accordance with order in council 403/2023 (web search; OIC 403/2023), and subsequent provisions to the Forest and Range Practices Amendment Act coming to effect April 1st, 2024. These provisions introduce new planning requirements for forest stewardship plan holders-Namely a requirement for licence holders to publish their operating plans with approximate locations of new cublocks and roads, with estimate year of harvest.
The purpose of this letter is to confirm that the new regulatory requirements for publication of this information are already being met.
The Burns Lake Community Forest continues to complete detailed 2-year operational plans, with 5-year development plans and 6–10-year landscape level strategic planning available, that is available for public review at our community forest office and regularly shared at community events such as: The Open House BBQ, Annual Fall Fair, throughout the year.
This package contains no new information. All proposed development, including the Landscape Fire Management Plan that was completed for Burns Lake Community Forest by B.A Blackwell and Associates is within the scope of the 5-year development plan info-sharing map previously shared and provided at community meetings as request by First Nations communities, and local stakeholders and interest organization. This information can be accessed through the
following link:
The public is encouraged to review and comments on proceedings. It is important to note that not all areas (shapes) will be clear cut or even harvested. Internal reserves, riparian features and retention areas in and around the proposed harvest shapes are not delineated on the FOM.
This FOM is open for commenting March 27th through April 26th, 2024, through the FOM portal. In addition, public comment and review during regular work hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays) or via private appointment at the following address and/or by sending your request to moc.rofmoclb@ofni is available and through our website and social media platforms.
The Burns Lake Community Forest will continue to abide by all Higher-Level Plan Resource Use Objectives that have been set out for the Lakes North SRMP (2008) and the approved Forest Stewardship Plan, as well as our current Management Plan. These objectives and documents address values for cultural heritage resources as well as biodiversity, soils, wildlife, water, fish habitat, timber, and outdoor recreation.