our community
The Burns Lake Community Forest (BLCF) is centred around the Village of Burns Lake and lies within the Traditional Territory of the Wet’suwet’en Peoples.
As a community-owned Community Forest, BLCF is focused on balancing social, environmental, and economic sustainability.
BLCF’s harvesting, silviculture, and forest management activities provide benefits for the Village of Burns Lake, First Nations partners, and for all residents of the Lakes Timber Supply Area in a sustainable manner.
Events & Initiatives
To support our commitment to continued communication, collaboration, and engagement with all community members, we annually host or attend 3 large events:
- The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder
- The Open House Community BBQ
- Lakes District Fall Fair
Contributions & Support
Through in-kind and financial donations, we also support other larger community events such as the Burns Lake Chamber of Commerce Annual Business Awards. Annual contributions include donations to not-for-profit groups, the annual dividend distribution to the Village (as a shareholder) and the two First Nations partners, and the annual legacy fund distribution.
The Donations Committee will consider donations to individuals or not-for-profit groups that meet the following criteria:
- Scholarships and bursaries for local education:
- Indigenous and non-Indigenous students attending the local high school who are going to a recognized post-secondary institution in resource management or environmental science
- Indigenous and non-Indigenous students attending the local high school who are going to a trade school
- Service clubs in the Lakes Timber Supply Area
- Outdoor recreation in the Lakes Timber Supply Area
- Recreation facilities in the Lakes Timber Supply Area
- Sporting teams and events in the Lakes Timber Supply Area

Community Benefit 2020/2021
A total of $281,800 was donated to 32 different organizations in the community, as well as $20,500 in in-kind contributions
128,630 hours of direct employment (about 63 FTE hrs)
Purchased over $4,000,000 worth of goods and services (more than 85% local)
Over 1,000,000 trees planted. (Spruce, pine, Douglas fir and western larch mix)
$197,395 was paid in stumpage to the BC government
Key Performance Indicators and Commitments
BLCF recognizes the crucial role that community members play in Burns Lake and is committed to creating an inclusive agenda, engaging and informing the public. We plan to facilitate engagement with community members on the proceedings of the Community Forest Agreement K1A license, develop a broad community outreach and engagement program, and seek out feedback by:
- Hosting a General Meeting every fiscal year to report on activities and management of the Community Forest Agreement K1A license.
- Attending and facilitating community events, including National Forest Week and the Open House BBQ.
- Prioritizing transparent communication through a variety of mediums including local printed news, Facebook, Twitter, and the BLCF news portal.
- Encouraging open, transparent, and inclusive contract award and bidding opportunities.
- Hosting a contractor’s community engagement session to solicit feedback on aiding local and small contracting opportunities.
- Inspiring community interaction and involvement by creating a field session.
- Developing a dispute resolution process overseen by our FSC Group Manager.