For the past two years, Burns Lake Community Forest Ltd. has worked diligently to explore methods to ensure that it will remain a sustainable long-term forest licence beyond the mountain pine beetle. Significant efforts and commitments have been made with First Nations communities, stakeholders, and community groups to maintain open and transparent communication, timely review opportunities, and public engagement.
Please be advised that Burns Lake Community Forest Ltd. will submit a Management Plan Amendment/Update in the spring of 2018 to reflect these management strategies and commitments. Over the next four months, Burns Lake Community Forest will be engaging First Nation communities, the Office of the Wet’suwet’en, community organizations, community forest area user groups, and the public with the proposed amendments. A formal submission will then be made to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Frank Varga, RPF
General Manager
Burns Lake Community Forest Ltd
Comfor Management Services Ltd.