August 16th, 2017
Burns Lake Community Forest Ltd is proposing to amend its Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) for the K1A Licence.
The purpose of the amendment is:
1) To comply with legislated requirements to amend the FSP;
a. Incorporate results and strategies to meet Landscape Connectivity objectives set by Ministerial Order Amendment- Objective 4 of the Lakes North Sustainable Resource Management Plan order (2009).
In accordance with section 18 of the Forest and Range Practices Act, (FRPA) and section 20 of the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation (FPPR) and Management Plan #3-Forest Program Objectives for Public Consultation and Engagement, the FSP amendment is available for public review and comment from August 21, 2017 to September 21th, 2017.
The information sharing / referral process is open to First Nations communities, the public, municipal governments, government agencies and other interested stakeholders.
The document can be viewed during regular working hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays) or via a private appointment at the following address and/or by sending your request to
153 Francois Lake Dr, Burns Lake, BC
The information will also be available on our website through the following link (referred to as BLCF FSP Amend#1):
Please provide comments/questions to:
Frank Varga RPF
General Manager
COMFOR Management Services
Burns Lake Community Forest Ltd
250-692-7724 ext 227